1. Exercise more.
2. Work harder at school.
3. Get a job.
4. Eat healthier.
5. Be more positive.
6. Have a more open mind.
7. Be more social.
8. Continue with my writing.
9. Keep going with tennis.
10. Continue learning the guitar.
11. Have more me time.
12. Stay in contact with my friends.
13. Persevere.
14. Have a brighter outlook.
15. Laugh more.
16. Smile more.
17. Enjoy the little things.
18. Be more greateful.
19. Work on my photography.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I hate mosquitos. MOS-QUWI-TOES. They are stupid, filthy, annoying blood-suckers. They don't sparkle in the sun, they aren't totally beautiful, and, thankfully, they aren't immortal or indestructible. 

Some people are like mosquitos. They nag, they bite, they're nuisances, and people really just wanna slap them. At the moment there are two people in my year like that. A really bitchy Korean girl (lets call her MAY) and a really pig-headed Bangladesh boy (lets call him IK).

The thing is, no matter how much we hate something, no matter how useless it seems, it has a purpose. If it didn't need to be here, it wouldn't be here. This means that, basically, no matter how much you resent something, it's there for a reason, so try not to let it get you down for too long, because the best way to go is up.

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