1. Exercise more.
2. Work harder at school.
3. Get a job.
4. Eat healthier.
5. Be more positive.
6. Have a more open mind.
7. Be more social.
8. Continue with my writing.
9. Keep going with tennis.
10. Continue learning the guitar.
11. Have more me time.
12. Stay in contact with my friends.
13. Persevere.
14. Have a brighter outlook.
15. Laugh more.
16. Smile more.
17. Enjoy the little things.
18. Be more greateful.
19. Work on my photography.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


God, lately tattoos have been on my mind. I don't know why, they just have. I remember the first time I really wanted to get the same tattoo as my Dad. Mum wasn't very happy about that. The idea of getting tattoos has become more and more appealing to me as the years pass. At only 13 years old, I have plans for at least 3 tattoos. 

Some tattoos are ugly, some are beautiful; some are meaningless, and some are meaningful. Of course, beauty (and in this case, also meaning) is in the eye of the beholder. Tattoos are a very permanent way of making a statement, and a great deal of thought must go into the decision process. I mean, not only do you have to choose what you want tattooed, where you want it, hoe big you want it, whether or not you want it to be coloured, you also have to think of the meaning behind the tattoo. of course, not all tattoos have a meaning behind them, but it makes a better story if it does.

Tattoos are very personal, and often tell the beholder a little about the person with the tattoo. In my opinion, all tattoos should have a meaning behind them, and should be as unique as possible. I know for a fact that all but one of my tattoos will NOT come from the flash.

So far, these are the tattoos that I would like to get, where and why:

A circle with the bottom cut out and two swirly waves; I will get this on my left wrist, probably during schoolies (even though I'll be underage) and it will represent my love for the ocean, my childhood by the sea, my wonderful Coogee beach, and will also serve to remind me to be as much like the sea as possible. The ocean is a force to be reckoned with, and can be both wonderfully calm and worryingly fierce. The description I gave doesn't give the design justice, I'll try and upload a drawing of it.

A skull and cross-bones; I want this tattoo to be exactly the same as my Dad's though I will probably get it in a different spot. Dad's is on the outside of his right ankle, though I think I would get mine on my inner ankle. It would stand to remind me of my Dad, and also to say that death is ever-present. 

A small, black, map of Australia; I will get this tattoo on my right hip, right before I go away for university, or before I head of on my own travels for the first tie. I was originally going to get the Southern Cross on my lower back, but it is extremely generic, so have for the moment decided against it. This tattoo will be to remind me that no matter where I go, how far I travel, or where I live, Australia is where i was born, bred, and call home.

At the moment, my Mum has been talking about getting a tattoo. I was shocked, and have a feeling she's only doing it so that I will say she'll regret it, to dissuade me from getting any. I personally think it's a good idea, and if she does get one, and I like it, I'll get the same one.

Well, that's all I have to say on the topic of tattoos for now, but I know this won't be over any time soon...

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