Everyone says that even if I don't appreciate it now, I'll think it was a great experience when I'm, older....
If one more person says that to me, I swear I will punch them.
When I was in year 5, my Dad broke the news to me that we would be living in China for 3 months. God, that seemed like the most horrible thing in the world. 3 months away from my friends! How would I survive? Of course now, looking back, I realise it wasn't too bad. I ate things that I wouldn't have eatcen anywhere else, got to visit places I never would've visited, and had a whole new experience.
Annoyingly, this proves right all those people who say I will think living here is a great experience. And sure, I'm not saying it won't be, but right now, it's not. Well, it kind of is. I've been able to go places we never would've gone, and meet some amazing people. But that doesn't make up for the fact that I am honestly, truly homesick. More homesick than I have ever been before, in my whole life.
I guess that the thing that annoys me most is that we left half-way through year 7. One of the very few years I said that I must spend in Australia. Also, we happen to be living in the most over-populated country in the world. To top it all off, there is nothing to do. Outside of school, it is almost physically impossible to have a life. Sure, you have sleepovers, and movie nights, and go out to eat, but it's not the same. You cant go for a walk on your own, ride your rip-stick down to the milk bar, go have a pie down at the local cafe, zip down to the shops for some Smith's Salt & Vinegar Crinkle-Cut chips.
And then there's my friends. All th people at the school here have learnt how to make friends that may not last too long, due to travel. When I made friends, it was for life, and now it feels odd that I don't see them every day at school, can't go over to their house, catch up on the weekends.
When I was making friends here, I was subconcsiosly not getting too close. I knew I would have to leave, and therefore, not wanting to have to handle too much pain, I made it harder for myself. Now, over 18 months into my jail sentance, there is only one person here who I think I would want to keep contact with when I leave. Which makes me feel guilty. All these people here, who I cosider my friends, are wonderful people, and Ijust don't appreciate them enough.
In June/July of this year, we move away from Bangladesh. Finally. Unfortunately, my set-back is not yet over.
When Dad applied for some new jobs, he gave me a whole list of places we might move to. I really hoped he would get one of the jobs in the UK. Or, failing that, the job in Bangkok. I told him, if it came to a choice between to jobs, anywhere would win over New Dheli. It was too close to Bangladesh. I need somewhere completely different. Huh, I guess it figures that so far, the only job he's got so far is the New Dheli job.
Oh well. Nothing I can do about it. When you don't get what you want in life, shut up, get over it, and try to want what you get.